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Mj Pettengill

Mj Pettengill
Dec 12, 20203 min read
Ballad of a Sandwich Girl: Which One are You?
How odd was this swirling of love and anticipation—these tears fueled by joy.

Mj Pettengill
Dec 6, 20203 min read
The Heart of Everything
It is up to us to reach down beyond those creaking bones and illuminate previously unseen and powerless souls.

Mj Pettengill
Dec 2, 20203 min read
Ballad of a Sandwich Girl: Deals with God
If the choice is between horses, cows, or sisters, the cows are the audience of choice because they are polite.

Mj Pettengill
Nov 30, 20204 min read
Marya's Mother: What's in a Name (Again)
Unearthing and transmuting historical trauma and ancestral wounds is a way back to the light. The journey is beyond reflective.

Mj Pettengill
Nov 17, 20205 min read
Marya of the Wood: Blue Jay Way
My instincts were to frown and wish away those pests, those greedy hoodlums. But then I realized that blue jays are not bad.

Mj Pettengill
Oct 1, 20207 min read
Ancestral Healing: Where Does it Begin?
We continue to pass along the grief and pain of those before us, and in time, forget their origins. We inherit their losses.

Mj Pettengill
Sep 29, 20204 min read
Grandmother Wisdom: The Other Maryjane
I slid into the role of making the most incredible piccalilli east of the Mississippi River.

Mj Pettengill
Jun 30, 20205 min read
And on That Farm, She Had a Cow
The sphere of mothers and daughters is much broader, with more possibilities of getting lost.

Mj Pettengill
May 7, 20205 min read
Unbroken Forest
These flames are a gift bestowed upon me from Hestia, the goddess of the hearth and its fires.

Mj Pettengill
Apr 30, 20203 min read
Dear Mom
In this life, you provided many valuable lessons.

Mj Pettengill
Apr 12, 20204 min read
No star is lost. It is we who have gone astray. We are finding our way home.

Mj Pettengill
Apr 10, 20202 min read
Pixie Cup Lichens
I no longer rely on princes, and frogs have more potential than what we learned in myths. They earned my respect in a much different manner.

Mj Pettengill
Mar 22, 20202 min read
Fragments of Hope
It is time to reawaken all that is imaginable and buried deep in the bones of the land.

Mj Pettengill
Mar 20, 20205 min read
The Mirror
I wouldn’t have imagined that along with other volunteers at the food pantry, I would be filling out an order for my daughter.

Mj Pettengill
Mar 19, 20203 min read
Birds on a Mountain
I returned to my rocking chair and sat on the back deck in my flannel nightgown until I felt like it.

Mj Pettengill
Mar 10, 20205 min read
About the Crows' Path
To me, especially after writing them into my life, crows are reassuring, wise, and a good omen.

Mj Pettengill
Jan 8, 20204 min read
Free Falling
By reaching back to the child within, grasping her hand, and pulling her into a full embrace, I had discovered honest writing at its best.

Mj Pettengill
Apr 26, 20194 min read
Down from the Tree
Do you have a treasured childhood tree that you carry with you? Of course, you may have guessed that in earlier versions of my life, and...

Mj Pettengill
Mar 27, 20194 min read
Marya's Mother: Undaughtered
You are either born a son or a daughter. There are many complexities at play here, which we will not cover at this time. What I would...

Mj Pettengill
Mar 22, 20195 min read
Marya's Mother: Unsung Lullaby
Lullabies were not an option. It wasn’t as if she chose that. No, it washed down upon her like the tears of rain in a storm that would...

Down from the Tree - Book Three
Samuel J. Hodgdon II
A Boy ~ A Vision ~ A Knowing Tree
The Journey Continues
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