I am pleased to announce that The Crows’ Path, Book Four in the Etched in Granite Historical Fiction Series, is available in softcover and ebook formats.
The hardcover copy will be released within weeks.
Order information is available on this website: www.mjpettengill.com
Book Launch Events after the New Year will be posted here and on other outlets.

What's it all about? It’s 1878, and Agnes is lost. In search of her father, she leaves the County Farm only to become trapped on a southbound train. Her unplanned journey brings her to Boston, where, like herself, she is amongst countless other lil’ wanderers living in the streets, avoiding the asylums and orphan trains.
Her days are numbered as a series of mishaps land her in The Mission, where she is forced to forfeit her name for a number. She lines up with the other girls, heads bowed in silence, scrubbing laundry and avoiding the man cloaked in darkness.
Samuel stays at the Farm, forming a bond with Caesar—a seasoned elder who made his way
North—deeply entrenched in the Hodgdon family secrets.
Sarah and the others return to the Farm to fetch Samuel. Will he go? Can she leave her childhood home after facing ghosts from the past? Trains—they come, and they go. Where will the crows’ path lead?
Etched in Granite Historical Fiction Series: Book Four
Mj Pettengill

Daisyfields Press
