... not only in the woods but in the yard behind my kitchen as well. One young bear who lives nearby is familiar with me and my world, as I am respectfully aware of him. He knows that I feed the birds. However, it is designed to be a bit frustrating for him because I sprinkle cracked corn and sunflower seeds in the grass, on tree stumps, and general places for them (birds) to forage.
It is somewhat, but not entirely impossible, and highly unlikely for bears to achieve beneficial results. It's simply not an easy take for them. This is especially true because I am not providing a substantial amount of food. The birds (and squirrels) have to work for it. By the time the bear strolls through, there are even fewer crumbs. I do not hang feeders until the bears are snug and dreaming in their safe places. I pray that their winter abodes are free from the possible dangers set forth by hunters that do not use ethical practices. I support fair hunting customs only. (No stacked decks allowed.) I pledge to act responsibly regarding all life and living beings. This means not tempting wild animals (other than birds and a few squirrels) to get tangled up in human activity. That is where danger waits for them. So, this morning, when I walked outside to greet the world and sprinkle nuts and seeds strategically about, I stepped in one of the biggest piles of bear poop that I have ever seen. Unfortunately for me, I saw it after it mattered. If my kids were still at home, it would have been a great teaching moment: What did the bear have for supper? I did see greens that were also stuck to the bottom of my shoe. Frankly, I wasn't in the mood to poke around. ;-) This experience rivaled being stuck in the mud of the pond. Okay, so I'm exaggerating. But I did almost lose my (ugly pink) croc. Maybe that would have been a blessing. I vow that I will not wear them because there is no support, they are ugly, and I am not a fan of pink, but I find myself slipping them on because of convenience. If someone asks you that age-old questions about bears in the woods, and if you do not know first-hand but tend to guess the answer, I boldly reply, "YES."

(Photo CCO)
Bears are interesting animals. I have seen many around Tamworth and Wonalancet.