A few months ago, I had Covid 19. It was a most unpleasant experience. For those of you who think that it's nothing more than the cold or the flu, I assure you that it's simply not true in some cases.
Typically, I am a very healthy person who has a clean and active lifestyle. In fact, in case you don't know, I make wild plant medicine. Although it is gaining momentum, this practice is far from new.
I have been writing the fourth book in my historical fiction series, Etched in Granite. There have been many shifts and changes during the past few years. Few have been untouched by the events unfolding in the world that we inhabit.
We have all been affected in one way or another. Many dear souls have departed; others have lost their careers and passion—displaced without warning. Others have fallen into dark places resulting in various forms of addiction, depression, and suicide. You know where I'm coming from.
Ah yes, we are resilient and resourceful. Most have maintained hope and seek new ways of navigating a world that we do not recognize in this lifetime.
The point of this entry is to share. Because of this illness and the ongoing after-effects, I have experienced difficulties with my usual flow of words, at least in my current body of work. I have been doing much research and organizing, but the task has been daunting for my Covid-affected brain. I do carry on. Giving up has never been an option for me. However, today I decided that I would temporarily shift the focus of my writing from historical fiction to transformative journaling and poetry.
One of the most rewarding things I have done to date is facilitating transformative language arts for female prisoners. I taught them the importance of expression through the written word.
At this time, I realize that this is precisely what is helpful for me. Hence, I will be writing about my Covid experience as it continues to present itself in the most unexpected ways. This journey will serve as a bridge to wellness, clearing the way for my historical work and nature writing. It will also serve as a voice for those who have no idea what others have experienced or dealt with and those who have but cannot find the words to express it. If you are unwell and reading this, may you find peace and the healing path.