“Giant boulders scattered randomly along the trails are tales in themselves. I long to know the hidden truth.”
We tread in the footsteps of our ancestors; they communicate, sing, and whisper to each other and to us. If we are attuned and receptive, we will discern their familiar voices, brimming with infinite wisdom often accessed in dreams—in the Knowing Field.
The souls of our ancestors, once departed, were laid to rest. Their very bones, a testament to their existence, enriched the Earth with layers upon layers of memory.
These beings, in their passing, nourished the land, air, and water, bestowing a lasting awareness from a single being to the entire world.
Decomposition becomes a perpetual nutrient; the cellular structure is slowly released into the ecosystem, absorbed by the land and all that grows from the roots and soul of the planet.
Each cell holds a minimal amount of its former self—the entire memory and knowledge of its wholeness. Cells continually release themselves as building blocks of life, fueling the planetary memory until it is re-formed again at another place in time.
Often, we sense the presence of the ancient ones through the subtle movement of trees, birds, animals, and plants. They walked the Earth before us. They knew it then and now as they guided, guarded, and protected life and the living.
At times, it is peaceful, as they harmonize with the elements. Then, there is a hint of unresolved conflict—the residual of lifetimes saturated with unresolved grief or trauma.
This is often unknowingly passed down from one generation to the next. Out of unconscious loyalty, we may inhabit the wounds of our ancestors, carrying and passing them along to other family members if we aren’t careful to acknowledge our roots.
Some of the ancestors argue while others are aligned with each other and us. Some know why they remain, while others do not comprehend why they walk with us. They have forgotten or may never have known. It is they who need the most consoling.
Together, we are in awe of each other. They long for us to know their wisdom, to heal each other, the Earth, and all living things. We cannot know all things. The very ancient ones are our guides. It is up to us to awaken to them. © Mj Pettengill, Author
Awwwsome. How I love trails that go
off into the impossible lengthNbreadth
of eternity. Wanna wiseabove with me?
WannaLottsaGobbsa WooHooXtraGnarlyNRG
adventures'n 7thHeaven?
Wanna receive our effusive Savior?
Follow me to theWeddingFeastASAP:
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Cya soon, incredible girly-withe-curly.
We all value a walk in the woods to be refreshed from the stresses of modern life but others long before us had a closer bond to Nature . Your posts remind us that there is more to such walks as our own presence. For modern visitors such visits are recreational to past civilisations it was a case of life and death . As you say their experiences are still accessible if we believe it. What harm can it do to try? The internet at least gives access to your thoughts for those unable to visit.