The sun was bright; the swollen river rushed along the edge of the field, and a pair of cardinals chirped within the safety of the trees.
Many of the people who gathered together are the keeper of words. Their devotion to the act of preserving, sharing, and distributing books could not be more essential, especially during these times.
Others attended because of their love of learning—wild medicinal plants, Native traditions, and acknowledging those lost in time.
As I looked out at those who attended my presentation yesterday, I was filled with gratitude. The timing was perfect as a monarch butterfly fluttered overhead. It had been over a year and a half since I stood at a podium, sharing my work live. The world is not the same; we are not the same. However, we are in this together.
This gathering inspired the following.
“The roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful.”
—Rabindranath Tagore
Whenever we practice anything with loving intention, from the very small to the grand, we shift the direction of humanity. No matter how slight, each ray of light that we project, causes a fluctuation in the collective thought body.
Our offerings emanate out into the entire whole, with or without complete awareness of itself.
It is unnecessary to wait for what we perceive as the perfect opportunity or the right conditions. It is imperative to trust our instincts regarding when to act because individual actions will become part of the whole.
Words, intentions, experiences, and energy are woven with the threads of our ancestors and those who walk the earth now, forming a rich tapestry of life. No matter how seemingly minute, our choices create a resounding ripple out into the realm of possibilities.
Only one individual needs to infuse a tiny, singular thought into the ether for it to be available to all—the collective unconscious—causing a shift.
We are the shelter of each other, as we are each others’ light. Through the loving, pulsating energies of our hearts and spirits, we illuminate the pathway to healing.
(Cook Memorial Library, Tamworth, NH)
Bravo! A beautiful piece to remind us that in spite of all the inhumane systems and devious megalomaniacs permeating the ether...we can still retain our sovereignty and RISE UP! Thank you for sharing your thoughtful insights.🥰