Chickweed Today, I harvested chickweed (Stellaria Media) from my garden window. I love this plant so much that I grow it indoors all year long. It makes a beautiful houseplant and is perfect for gathering fresh leaves to eat, adding to smoothies, or applying directly to various skin disturbances. It is effective as a “joint oiler.”
It is wilting for a day, and then I will make a batch of tincture. I take this daily and use chickweed oil and balm topically as well.
Chickweed is known to rejuvenate the skin, providing a cooling and drying effect on wounds, sores, minor burns, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and other common skin inflammations.
Chickweed is also a potent drawing salve. It is used for constipation and relieving styes and irritated eyes.
A rich source of vitamin C and potassium, chickweed provides beneficial trace minerals and vitamins. Picked fresh, it is a popular salad green and a perfect addition to smoothies, spring tonics, and tea.
Infused with apple cider vinegar, it provides a unique earthy flavor. For topical use, create a salve from the plant’s essential oils. You will find chickweed in both abandoned and current garden beds in the early spring. When you see the crocuses and snowdrops, look for the tiny bright green leaves. In time, it blossoms, showing off its miniature white star flowers. It grows abundantly throughout North America.

Marigold Moon Wildcraft Apothecary