Happy Solstice!
It is the day that the dark gives way to light. Above, below, outside, and within, 2020 has been a year of enormous transition.
Now is the time to face what we must release—the fragments of ourselves that are wounded and bonded to trauma.
Remain steady and constant in the present moment.
Take time to re-assess what the past year has brought into your life. Seek lessons offered, and give thanks. Trust what is to be lovingly released.
It is time to forgive, forget, and focus your sights on a new path, one that is positive and hopeful. Surrender!
Every day is a gift—not the kind packaged neatly under a tree or stuffed in an old sock dangling from a fireplace mantle. It resides within and surrounds each one of us at all times.
Find your roots and follow them. Nourish yourselves on every level—mind, body, and spirit. We are precisely where we are meant to be, based on every choice we have ever made.
Be present, aware, and at peace. Transmute fear into love and trust.
The Great Mother gives birth to the Sun God.
The light has won! (Image: CCO)
I have been thinking about this today.